Wentworth & District Community Bank Branch

Wentworth & District Community Bank Branch opened on 18th March 1999 by special guest Ray Martin.

Some of our many grants and donations back to the community include:
- Major sponsor of Music Under the stars Perry Sandhills
- WDCB scholarship started in 2011 and will have a student added each year until we have 5 at any one time.
- Driver training programme started in 2011 and running in the each of the school holidays.
- Wentworth & District Ambulance Services granted $220,000 towards the building of a new Ambulance station, the WDCB biggest grant to date
- Wentworth Pioneer Homes received a grant for new building of meeting room, office and additional bedroom in 2012
- Stephanie Alexander project Gol Gol Primary School $20,000 contributed
- Major sponsors of the Wentworth Racing Cup Carnival
- Smaller but significant donations such as Men In A shed – Dareton & Mildura, sponsorship of 2 students to attend voyage of discovery, Stephanie Alexander projects Gol Gol & Wentworth

Branch Manager - Daryl Wescombe
Customer Relationship Manager - Janine Smith
Supervisor - Liz Thomson

Bank/financial services